Ridin the bull 

The day of the bull run…We had slept in our running outfit the night before for a quick rise and straight onto the bus with fifty odd other aussies – all of us eerily silent but still excited about what we were about to do. On to the streets, and we waited for the first rocket to fire to signal that the bulls had been released. Everyone scattered and started running for their lives. The first I saw of the bulls was a herd of 15 charging around ‘dead mans’ corner, and saw the carnage and absolute fear on the faces of those being trampled. I just turned and ran. And ran. When they caught up to me, I ran over to the side of the street and hugged the wall as they charged past. I breathed a quick sigh of relief before running into the arena.Being inside the arena was like being in a scene of ‘gladiator’. About 500 of us runners being were chased around by a young bull, while thousands of spainards beyed for our blood, and cheered the bull on as it plowed through the hapless runners. Below is a quick vid that I took of what it was like inside the arena. I was there in the arena just the day before doing the exact same thing.


It was definitely the experience of a lifetime!

After the run